
Shipping Policy

Estimated Delivery Time

Delivery times depend on product availability, inventory location, your shipping address, and the courier partner’s delivery schedule. Each product shows an estimated delivery date, which is an approximation and not a guaranteed date. If your order is delayed beyond our control, you can request a cancellation and a full refund.

Delivery Cost / Shipping Fee

Delivery charges vary depending on the product. Most items on SpareProvider.com come with free shipping unless stated otherwise in the product description. Please check your order summary for specific delivery charges.

Delivery Schedule

Our courier partners typically deliver between 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM. If you cannot be available during these hours, please arrange for someone else to receive the package on your behalf.

Missed Deliveries

Couriers usually make 2-3 attempts to deliver your shipment. If you are unavailable, the shipment is returned to us, incurring a Return To Origin (RTO) charge. In such cases, we will charge a nominal fee to re-ship the item to your address.

Order Notifications

Once you place an order, we will notify you at various stages via email or SMS. You will receive updates when your order is placed, shipped, and out for delivery. You can track your order in the “Track Order” section on our website.

Packaging Standards

We adhere to the highest packaging standards, using standardized Carton Boxes to ensure your items are protected from damage during transit.

Missing Packages

If your tracking information shows the package as delivered but you cannot find it:

  • Check if someone else accepted the delivery.
  • Look around your doorstep or office reception.
  • Wait until the end of the day as packages may still be in transit.
  • Contact our Customer Service within 24 hours of the delivery notification if you still cannot locate your package.

For further assistance, please contact us here or WhatsApp at +91-9555593399.